
Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 1 - the first half

Day one has gone pretty smoothly. Andrew woke up early but went back to bed after everyone had left and was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow. I noticed he felt a bit warm but let him sleep. He still wasn't awake by 9:15 but thought I ought to go ahead and get him up so he would take a nap.

Cereal for breakfast at the kitchen counter as I put away the dishes and ate my cereal. He didn't eat it all but I don't think he felt too well. We played with the play dough for about 20 minutes and then made something for his day with the foamy stuff.

I put everything away for the day and he decided to watch a bit of TV...turned on Sesame Street. I don't know if he has ever watched it but he was intrigued. I glanced over as it was going off and he was nodding again so off for nap. He is still asleep.

Plans for this afternoon...lunch, play with some of his toys, and, depending on time, we might go to the mall to play in the play area or just head out to pick up brother and then to meet Leighanne...I think Day 1 has been a success. Will let you know later!


  1. Oh I hope the little guy is okay! But it *does* sound like day one has been successful, so YAY!

  2. It was successful! Day 2 is going well also.
